

We know that equality, diversity and inclusion leads to improved health and greater staff, patient and citizen experiences of the NHS.

Here at the NHS NWLA we believe it takes more than acknowledging and talking about equality and diversity. We aim to develop and embed inclusion in all our activity and actively promote it in all that we do. This is key to progressing change in a positive way.

We actively promote the importance of inclusion in all our activity and this is an important focus within our strategic objectives as well as being embedded into our core values.

Inclusion to us means going wider than the protected characteristics legislated by the Equality Act 2010. We aim to lead on making inclusion a reality within the NHS. 

Our Inclusion Development Offers

Coaching and mentoring is one of the most powerful leadership development interventions. Working with an experienced coach or mentor can help you to embed inclusive practices throughout your organisation and support people through an inclusive approach. Find out more about how coaching and mentoring can support you.

Senior leaders are key to embedding and role modelling inclusive practices and behaviours. Working with a coach can support you to reflect on your everyday practices and understand yourself more so you can build an inclusive approach into your organisation.

Up to four board members can access three funded sessions of coaching via the Executive Coaching register. Find out more.

The NHS North West Leadership Academy can deliver bespoke projects for membership organisations to help them develop equality, diversity and inclusion.  Find out more.

Building Leadership For Inclusion (BLFI) is a new and ambitious programme of work that will inform a future ten-year strategy, led by the NHS Leadership Academy, which is aimed at health and care staff.  Its purpose is to update and inform leadership thinking, practice and, crucially, to make progress on the work of inclusive leadership development for individuals, organisations and the systems working within and across NHS-funded health and care. Find out more about the programme here

This course is designed for health and care managers and supervisors. As the first in a series of training sessions on equality, diversity and inclusion in medical services, it will help you develop core inclusive leadership skills. By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to:
– Explain the key concepts in relation to Social Justice, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (SJEDI).
– Discuss the development of key ideas in relation to SJEDI.
– Debate and raise awareness of current SJEDI issues and local strategies.
– Identify key issues in terms of policy and practice for managers at work.
Develop a more inclusive team and organisational culture.

Find out more about the programme here

Our local leadership development programmes help to develop an individual leadership capabilities at various levels of seniority. Organisations can use these programmes to help build diverse talent pipelines and upskill existing leaders on how to lead inclusively.
Click here to read more about the Mary Seacole Local Programme
Click here to read more about the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Programme

Online and Bitesize Learning

Access a range of e-learning modules designed for both clinical and non-clinical leaders to develop your skills at a time and pace that suite you.

Key inclusion modules include:

Equality & Diversity

Patient Experience


Unconscious Bias

Understanding Yourself

Kindness in Leadership

Access the NW Leadership Learning Zone here.

The Healthcare Leadership Model is designed to help people develop as leaders by discovering and exploring their behaviours. The Model is made up of nine dimensions outlined below, each contains a description of what it is and why is it important. There are a series of questions to guide peoples thoughts and result in effective leadership behaviour.

Browse the nine dimensions of leadership behaviours
Undertake a self-assessment

This programme is designed to help you develop core inclusive leadership skills. The programme is comprised of a suite of short courses covering different themes of inclusive workplaces.

Find out more and access the online programme.

Access bitesize learning modules and series through the Learning Hub to develop your inclusive leadership skills and understanding.

Psychological Safety in Health and Care

Be inclusive

Racial Justice

Cultural Competence

Resources and Toolkits

Our Citizen Leadership resource pack has been designed to enable organisations and communities to access the Citizen Leadership programme content and learning materials to support them in delivering the programme within their own localities and across a range of different citizen groups. All materials will be sent electronically. 

Find out more here

This mini-series of podcasts is all about compassionate leadership and is a collection of conversations between Professor Michael West and leaders from across the health and care sector.

Listen here

This recording is a conversation between Professor Michael West and Dr. Habib Naqvi, director of the Race and Health Observatory, and focuses on the area of the importance of compassion and inclusion.

Listen here

This recording is a conversation between Michael and Caroline Chipperfield, Director of Leadership Development and Delivery at the NHS Leadership Academy and focusses on the importance of compassion in developing leaders now and for the future at a national level.

Listen here

This recording is a conversation between Professor Michael West and DrDeborah Lee, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Lead for Compassionate Leadership at BerkshireHealthcareNHS Trust, and focusses on Compassion in Health and Care and creating a compassionate culture in organisations.

Listen here

This episode of Leadership Insights shares the views and experience in making inclusive and compassionate leadership a reality.

Listen here

This masterclass, presented by Ngunan Adamu, explores fresh ways of thinking around diversity.

Watch here

This masterclass provides a raw and honest exploration of issues surrounding equality and diversity in the workplace.

Watch here

Watch our Inclusive Leadership Masterclass featuring powerful sessions from: Naheed Nazir Associate Director, Inclusion and Engagement, Northern Care Alliance, Tara Hewitt Group Equality and Inclusion Lead, Northern Care Alliance and Sasina Nadeen EDI Lead CQC.

Watch here

Our new-on demand series discusses all things leadership with experts from health and care and beyond to stimulate new thinking, fresh perspectives, and share best practice. Click here to listen

Key Documents