
About Coaching

Coaching is a method of developing an individual’s capabilities in order to facilitate the achievement of organisational success. This one to one focused and bespoke relationship is often perceived as the single most effective development intervention that a senior leader in the NHS can access. 

Research shows that there are huge personal benefits to accessing coaching, particularly at times of change. Coaching is a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires individuals to maximise their personal and professional potential. Coaching can:

Help improve personal performance (closing the gap between potential and performance)

Help increase morale, motivation and enthusiasm

Help to reduce levels of stress

Improve self-confidence at all levels

Help encourage a more proactive approach to addressing issues and making decisions

Access as a Coach to the NHS NWLA Coaching Hub requires a professional coaching qualification or equivalent experience over the past couple of years. In return the NHS NWLA will provide access to regular CPD, group supervision sessions and network learning events. Please see our Coaching Register Guidance Access document for further information.  

Access as a Coachee to the NHS NWLA Coaching is open to all NHS employees working in organisations in the North West covered by the NHS North West Leadership Academy footprint (Greater Manchester, Cheshire and Merseyside and Lancashire and South Cumbria).

The Coaching Hub

Access the coaching hub

Use the button below to log in to the NWLA Coaching Hub an existing coach or coachee.

Join us!

We provide a high quality, confidential service matching mentees with trained mentors and coachees with experienced and qualified coaches through our coaching and mentoring hubs. You can create a profile, manage relationships, book onto available training and CPD such as our Network Learning Events, access free resources and communicate with other members.

Coaching Development

Network Learning Events are designed to be interactive and provide coaches and mentors with access to CPD, focusing on current, topical issues to enhance knowledge, skills, effectiveness and overall coaching and mentoring practice.  

Our Network Learning Events also provide dedicated space for networking with your peers and allowing you to meet and engage with a supportive network of like-minded individuals sharing best practice across the region.

We believe coaching leaders at all levels should have access to coaching resources, support and development opportunities. Through investing in development opportunities you can ensure your skills and knowledge are maintained throughout your coaching journey.

Coaches that are registered on our Coaching Hub can also use it to track their CPD hours and activities.

Coaching supervision results in an increased ability to monitor the quality of coaching and improves the skills and understanding of coaches, resulting in greater impact at an organisational level. 

Supervision is key to every practising coach and forms part of your coaching agreement to be part of the NHS NWLA Coaching Scheme. Supervision allows an opportunity to share learning with your peers, look at themes and challenges and develop your thinking as a coach. Also allowing valuable peer support and networking opportunities.

 As a Coach you may access your supervision privately, or for those unable to do so the NHS NWLA works with a cohort of NHS supervisors across the region who are able to provide support and access to supervision for Coaches where available through group sessions, or in some cases one to one, held virtually.

To find out more about supervision access please contact us at [email protected] 

If you have further questions about Coaching and Mentoring please email: [email protected]