Compassionate Coaching
Compassionate Coaching

Our Compassionate Coaching Leadership Programme is aimed at those in senior leadership roles in primary care organisations and/or across their place and system.
Our most recent cohorts have shared their experience of the compassionate coaching programme and the life changing impact it has had on them both personally and professionally.
“I have really enjoyed this short but useful course; the skills learned have impacted on my personal life as well as my performance as a leader within the NHS.”
The 8-week programme is designed to provide those in senior leadership roles with the opportunity to work closely with a chartered Occupational Psychologist, to explore self-compassion, and how this can translate in to being a compassionate leader.
The leadership programme has been incredibly popular with participants and it’s impact is not to be understated, with one participant sharing “I honestly feel this has changed my perspective on life and made me happier and more at peace. And it was unexpected – like a gift.”
The programme is delivered through 4 small group coaching sessions and 5 training webinars, with participants recommending the good mix of both theory and practice. A former participant stated “I thought the provider was great as a facilitator and teacher. I also really enjoyed the variety of workshops, webinars and exercises”
“one of the best courses I have done”
We believe this programme is increasingly important in the current climate with rising pressures on the NHS and primary care teams, it is more important than ever to be compassionate to both yourself and your colleagues. Participants recommended the programme for its usefulness in managing stressful and difficult situations and allowing them to lead compassionately without burnout.
Throughout the programme, participants are provided with real, actionable steps they can use to implement their teachings.
“I have learnt a lot of important techniques to improve self-kindness. One technique that will always stay with me is to see myself as separate, like in third person. This makes it easier for me to be kind to myself”.
The programme also allows participants the time and space needed, to acknowledge and respond to their own need for compassion, with one participant stating “I can see that I am a better leader – I listen more, but more importantly I take time for myself and I do not berate myself the way I used to”.
In addition, participants are also encouraged to reflect on their own beliefs and feelings around leadership.
“It’s been hugely influential in my role and my approach as a leader. I feel my mindset has shifted in a really positive way. I find I have more compassion towards myself which has in turn means I feel more comfortable showing my vulnerabilities and being more open for others to approach me and have conversations.”
The programme also focuses on how self-compassion can positively influence how we lead our teams too, with participants reflection on the impact it has had on their leadership role.
“I have learnt to recognise when my team are in need of some compassion, and I am able to provide this through having compassionate conversations”.
Another particularly notable impact has been the ability for leaders to ‘recognise when others are struggling and to show compassion rather than judge them harshly for not performing’.
Similarly, participants have the opportunity to engage more fully and influence colleagues in their delivery of compassionate care to both patients and local communities and neighbourhoods.
If you would like to keep up to date with our opportunities for Primary Care colleagues, then email [email protected]