System Leadership Evaluation Form System Leadership Evaluation Form Please select the session you attendedADD SESSION NAME & DATEADD SESSION NAME & DATEADD SESSION NAME & DATEName (optional) OptionalRole (optional) OptionalOrganisation (optional) OptionalEmail Address (optional) OptionalWas the length of the event Too long About right Too short Would you recommend this session to a friend or colleague? Yes No How satisfied were you with the registration process? Excellent Good Fair Poor How satisfied were you with the content during the session? Excellent Good Fair Poor How satisfied were you with the quality of the support materials? Excellent Good Fair Poor How satisfied were you with the knowledge and skills of the trainer / facilitator? Excellent Good Fair Poor Do you feel the content was relevant and applicable to your current role? Yes Somewhat No Did the session meet your expectations? Yes Somewhat No How did you hear about today’s event? Email from NHS NW Leadership Academy Recommendation from colleague or third party NHS NW Leadership Academy Website Twitter LinkedIn Word of Mouth Other Do you have any other feedback?