Outlook for the Public Sector 2023


This masterclass explored the outlook for the public sector and the current position in today’s economic climate. It provided the space to:

  • Take stock of our current position in today’s economic climate – Where are we now and what have we
  • learnt?
  • Share analysis of system pressures over the past 12 months
  • Celebrate those that are influencing change and through their work, inspiring others to push boundaries
  • and strive to achieve
  • Understand how to manage the financial risks and pressures
  • Explore opportunities and possibilities ahead

The masterclass was chaired by Richard Stubbs, Chief Executive Officer, Yorkshire and Humber Academic Health Science Network and Vice Chair of the AHSN Network, and heard from speakers:

Anita Charlesworth, Director of Research & Economics, The Health Foundation

Saffron Cordery, Deputy Chief Executive, NHS Providers

John Jackson, National Care and Health Improvement Advisor, Local Government Association (LGA)

If you are interested in finding out more and booking a place on our next Masterclass please visit our dedicated page below

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