Managing Complexity


The purpose of this session is to explore and apply complexity theory and systems thinking to tackle wicked issues and lead effective system working.

What will the session cover?

  • What is a system? Systems thinking? What are the features of systems that impact on leadership?
  • Behaviours and approaches to develop systems leadership (the application of systems thinking to wicked issues) capability. Framing, leading in uncertainty, 5 worlds model.
  • Application of Learning. System mapping, exploring relationships in the system in relation to specific issues. Noticing SPP (structures, patterns and processes) and the concept of creative destruction.

Who is it for?

This offer has been commissioned to directly support senior leaders across the North West (including but not exclusive to NHS Organisation Board and Sub Board post-holders, Executive and Governing Body Leads, Primary Care leaders working within and alongside Primary Care Networks and Integrated Care Systems, Senior leadership teams and those working across system level roles).

Upcoming dates and register your interest