Increasing Resilience in Leadership

These 2-part workshops will help to develop your resilience, purpose and confidence as a leader.


Whilst building on personal strengths, the workshop enables you to identify and address the internal barriers which may be holding you back from achieving success when acting at (or preparing to act at) a more senior level  e.g. governing body/ board level. It will prepare you for stepping up and feeling confident when you are considering, and then applying for, a more senior role.

We know through discussions with aspiring leaders (and also through assessment and development centre feedback) that there are a number of talented individuals within the system who seem to be limiting their own potential because of issues around individual confidence and belief in their own abilities. This appears to be exacerbated by the current context of the continually evolving health and social care setting within which the participants are working, and by the need to develop awareness and understanding of the hugely changeable and evolving “whole system” picture.

Based on evidence-based psychological approaches (e.g. Cognitive Behavioural Coaching) individuals will tap into their greatest motivators and use these to reduce any unhelpful limiting beliefs. We will share proven and effective processes for shifting thinking patterns to enable a positive, resilient mindset for future success. The workshop will include interactive, innovative and reflective exercises. It will draw on a wide range of learning approaches to enable an interesting, enjoyable and personally impactful experience. Our aim is that you will develop a positive mindset for your own success, as well as new practical techniques to continue to enhance your self-belief, confidence and personal impact as you navigate the labyrinth of ambiguity and unchartered territory in the evolving health and social care landscape.

What will the session cover?

  • Identify what makes a Resilient Leader
  • Understand the link between confidence and self-esteem
  • Learn techniques to build a Positive and Resilient Mindset
  • Understand how our own behaviour can impact on the resilience of others.
  • Learn techniques to handle difficult situations where the behaviour of others triggers feelings of low self-confidence
  • Apply learning to real-life scenarios and identify how to maintain resilience when faced with challenges in the future

Who is it for?

This offer has been commissioned to directly support senior leaders across the North West (including but not exclusive to NHS Organisation Board and Sub Board post-holders, Executive and Governing Body Leads, Primary Care Network senior leadership teams and those working across system level roles).

Upcoming dates and register your interest