Effective Chairing Skills

These workshops will develop confidence in your meeting preparation, planning and structure. These tools will enable you and your organisation to deliver measurably better outcomes.


Do you want to develop your skills, knowledge, and confidence in applying best practice to ensure your meetings get better outcomes and are productive?

This interactive workshop will support you when chairing meetings to develop confidence in your meeting preparation, planning and structure. The workshop will provide you with the tools that will enable you to learn and practice the effective skills/facilitation of chairing and participating in more productive meetings to deliver meeting outcomes.

What will the session cover?

  • Best practice in chairing meetings and how to use these tips to improve how you are currently managing meetings.
  • How to use your interpersonal skills to keep control of the meeting and disarm disruptive participants.
  • Introducing each agenda item, and making sure they are dealt with effectively.
  • Structuring discussions to build group consensus and gain a clear decision on each specific agenda item.
  • Identifying what can go wrong in meetings and knowing what action to take to ensure participants keep focused on the task.
  • How to encourage appropriate participation and eliminate time wasting.
  • A range of scenarios to discuss the dynamics and behaviours of members at meetings and through role play, look at how the chair can manage these.

Who is it for?

This session is ideal for senior and executive clinical and non-clinical leaders.