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Leading Anchor Organisations: Public Land Public Values – Progressive NHS Estates Strategies?
Please note that the South East Leadership Academy is co-ordinating all bookings on behalf of the seven regional hubs and you may be redirected to book at our web site. Confirmation emails and links to all sessions will be issued by the South East Leadership Academy.
Led by Tom Lloyd Goodwin
Public land should be more than just a commodity. Wherever possible, it should be used to drive social, economic and environmental value and address the wider determinants of health. Nevertheless, land usage and disposal in an NHS context is heavily centralised which presents challenges for the progressive use of land and estates – particularly surplus land. Can we develop local progressive estates strategies? Some places are doing it? What is the art of the possible here?
Since completing his PhD in political theory in 2009, Tom has worked with numerous organisations across local government, academia, the NHS and the voluntary and community sector. He has delivered an array of local economic development and health policy projects, focused on addressing poverty, fostering social inclusion and promoting public health. Tom brings expertise in political theory, policy and implementation research to his role as Director of Policy and Practice.
How to Book
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Further Information about our partners
Information about HALN
The Health Anchors Learning Network (HALN) is a UK-wide network for people responsible for, or interested in, anchor approaches in health.
Information about CLES
CLES is the national organisation for local economies – developing progressive economics for people, planet and place. They work by thinking and doing, to achieve social justice and effective public services
Anchor Institutions provide a key opportunity for the NHS to contribute to decided communities and contribute to reducing health inequalities. This is a key objective of the ICS.