Leadership Journeys

Read inspiring leadership stories from NHS leaders across the North West

Naveed Sharif’s is the Associate Director of Culture and Inclusion within the NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board, as well as Chair of North West NHS England Staff Race Equality Network (SREN) and a National NHS England Staff Race Equality Network (SREN) Executive.

Naveed’s leadership story is characterised by a lifelong commitment to learning and robust development through NHS leadership support as well as peer allyship to overcome barriers to leadership positions caused by institutional racism.

Ismail Patel’s journey into leadership within the NHS exemplifies how ambition, support, and continuous learning can propel an individual from a specialised role into senior leadership. This case study explores Ismail’s motivations, key milestones, the support he received, the impact of his leadership, and his advice for aspiring leaders.